Saturday, April 26, 2008

Twitter and Tumblr

Twitter seems like a superfluous little tool to me, but it's obviously useful/attractive to many people, or they wouldn't use it. Jeff Scott seems to have utilized the service quite well for his library system, providing updates on library programs and news--even new books added to the collection. Unfortunately, I'm not so tech-savvy as he, because I have no idea how to "dump" a feed. Perhaps the CS department has a better idea as to how to use Twitter for the library.

Tumblr on the other hand, is something I might use. However, I don't see how it is any different than a regular blog, like this one, where I could post pictures and links and quotes if I chose to. Apparently, Tumblr just makes it simpler to do this. The library-themed linkblog shown mostly provided links to longer articles...just like an rss newsreader. Only these include occasional pictures too, which is an attractive plus. I guess it's another way to inform patrons and library workers about what's going on in the library world.

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