Saturday, March 29, 2008

This Week...

Most of the generators just stuck words on an image, nothing I couldn't do myself with photoshop. I like the trading card program (which I already used in an earlier exercise) and a few of the ones I found through the generator blog. Some of the picture warping ones are entertaining for a little while.

I love this random fact generator:

"President Lincoln’s oldest son was on the scene of three presidential assassinations. His father in 1865, Garfield in 1881, and McKinley in 1901."


As far as revisiting...I started my own personal flickr account and uploaded a lot of outdoor photos. I also went back to bloglines to read updates posted on some of my favorites. I've been fiddling around with since I already had a Myspace and Facebook account. I'm not to fond of the setup at ficlets and despair over most of the writing, but it is entertaining.